" Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover. "

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Windows of Life...

Life's short..Time flies..
You only live once..
Don't wile away the precious time
Now is the time to..
Love, touch, reach out..

Time to rejoice, enjoy life..
To Introspect, Count Illusions..
To make a child smile..
To have and Instill faith..

Time to confess your love..
To not give up, miracles do happen..
To hug and kiss a loved one..
To count your blessings..

Time to extend a helping hand..
To have the conversation that you have been calling off..
To accept an outstretched hand..
To become someone's hero..

Time to give people a second chance..
To send your loved ones flowers, think of a reason later..
To contact a long lost friend..
To read that book you really wanted to, for ages..

Time to remember lost friends; forgotten passions..
To visit an ailing relative..
To be romantic..
To smile; someone may be falling in love with your smile..

Time to feel the good vibes..
To give a compliment; you can make someone's day..
To loosen up; Relax..
To stop and smell the flowers..

Time to dance like no one’s watching..
To work hard; party harder..
To make people feel needed..
To respect; give it to get it..

Time to trust with all your heart..
To share your joys and others’ sorrows..
To help others to win; even if you have to change your own course..
To lend a shoulder to cry on..

Time to stand up for something you believe in..
To be grateful, acknowledge those who helped you..
To listen to your favorite song..
To Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets..
Now is the time to do everything before you realize
... that time is gone, the song is over...