" Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover. "

Monday, December 22, 2008

Its far from a White Christmas!!

This came to my mind while wandering through Orchard Road yesterday. All the Christmas decorations reminded me of something. When I was young, I used to feel weird when I thought about the Australians celebrating Christmas during summers!!
Now I really know how weird... Christmas@ tropical weather is quite a different feeling..
Although in India, I have hardly seen a White Christmas, but I still remember the chill in the air.
I never thought I would be saying this, but I am sort of missing the Delhi winters.
I was so delighted at the thought of staying in Singapore especially as there are no winters here. I used to hate winters.. But here I am, missing the famous dilli ki sardi..

Some of the things that I am reminded of from the winter days:

Peeling and eating roasted "mungphali" (peanuts)..
Soaking in the sun and having oranges, post lunch..
Tucking in in a huge razai..
Warming your feet with a hot water bottle...
Dreading having a bath.. then shivering for ages even after a "hot" shower..
Leaving the house only to be greeted by a blanket of fog.. close to zero visibility...
Loving the feeling of wearing mom's hand knitted pullovers.. :)
Having "Maaki ki roti" n "Sarson ka saag".. also "Gajar ka Halwa"
Struggling to warm my hands and feet in front of the electric heat pillar...
Enjoying the lovely mixed veg pickle sent over by the neighbourhood aunty...
Gulping down the numerous cups of tea, coffee, soups n hot chocolate...
"Smoke" coming out of one's mouth while talking... :)
Escaping to a nearby hill station over the weekend.. brr.. even colder...

Somehow most of the memories revolve around food.. but that was the fun part...
For someone who used to hate winters, these were some of the many things that made the winters exciting..
I am sure many will agree with me..

For those lucky ones, who are witnessing winters, Happy winters!!.. Njoy all you can...

And to everyone, enjoy the holidays.. Merry Christmas!!

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